Monday, January 17, 2011

My background

I am known as Coyolxuahqui, the Goddess of the Moon. The moment my Mother became impregnated by a ball of feathers I knew my brother Huitzilopchtli was going to bring nothing but bad to my family. He attacked me, jumping out of my poor Mother's womb and beheaded my poor beautiful head and face. Once my head had flung up into the sky I immediately became the Moon. Until this day i battle against my repulsive brother, and that is why there is repugnant day and alluring night.      

 My people may fear me at times but only because of the way my brother did me wrong. Without me women would have no equality. Huitzilopchtli has done wrong by making men believe they are the only important ones and I am the one who clarifies to them just how exceptional and vital us Women truly are.

1 comment:

  1. Aloha, Coyolxuahqui. I am Hi'iaka, goddess of the Hula and Hawai'i. I am deeply sorry how your brother turned out to be. I can somewhat relate since me and my eldest sister, Pele went through a great battle over some man! However, we have resolved most of our issues. But I am thankful for the beauty you bring to my land every night. For without you, my vast sea and beautiful plants would go unseen. What is it like to be up way in the heavens? Does it ever get lonely? Well, hope I get to talk to you soon.
    Hi'iaka .
