Thursday, January 27, 2011

Current Event: Global Warming

Although scientists are convinced it is the peoples' fault for all of this so called global warming, what scientist don't know is that I am finally gaining my revenge on my awful brother Huitzilopochtli. Being the God of the Sun the weather during the day is based on what he decides or his mood and feelings. I have secretly captivated a few of his servants, messed with his precious things and even have learned to trick his mind. With his drastic mood swings and changes of emotions, the weather has gotten hotter for longer and colder than it usually in different places. These know it all scientists have gone crazy continuing to figure out what it is that is causing these unusual weather changes. Little do they know about my secret.

Tecuciztecal: The Old Moon God

I have recently questioned who it was that was the Moon before my terrible death. Tecuciztecal, I have learned, used to be the Moon God before I became the Goddess. Unfortunately it seems that he was a complete coward and was very arrogant. They were out under a test to see who should become the powerful Sun and who would become the Moon. Since he was so full of himself  he immediately said he would jump into the sacrificial flames. But, not surprisingly, his humble brother beat him to it, for Tecuciztecal became nervous the last second. I am beginning to wonder more and more why everyone looks down on the beautiful majestic Moon. I may not be as powerful as my awful brother but i am ddefinitely happy with my job for my people and who I am.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Odyssues's Return

Hello Odysseus. It is crazy to think that on another side of the world of the mortals, there is a whole other family of God and Goddesses. My culture is extremely different than yours, but in the end we are all the same. We are looked up to and are respected by our people. I have heard of your amazing journey and could not pass on not congratulating you and admitting just how impressed I am. My brothers and sisters lack the ability of true love that you and Penelope have. This past night rain fell on my people for your beautiful loyalty and strong love between you two is the sweetest story I have ever heard. You have inspired me, especially with the fact that she is not a Goddess. Perhaps one day we shall cross passes, it would most definitely be pleasant to meet you.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


I have been brought to tears recently for my people are beginning to look down on me. My revolting brother, Huitzilopitchli, is turning them all against me. This I truly can't understand because HE is the one who beheaded me; the one who started it all.  Sacrifice has always been a part of my peoples' culture but to see the sacrificed thrown onto my stone after it was given to Huitzilopitchli is unbearable for me to watch. It is as if they are mocking me for the terrible way I was killed. I wish I could have respect as my brother does. I have never done anything but good to my people and will find away to be treated as I should be.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Modern Time/Current Event: Women Equality

      These days I am overjoyed with seeing more and more of us Women doing whatever job and hobbies we want to do. We are no longer looked down at nor expected to stay home watch the children, cook, and clean. I see Women in business and government and so much more. We are finally seen as the strong, independent, and intelligent people that we really are. Even in relationships, I no longer see Women doing whatever their husband order them to do. I’m relieved to see such a drastic change from how it once used to be. Men are no longer seen any more superior than Women.

Monday, January 17, 2011

My background

I am known as Coyolxuahqui, the Goddess of the Moon. The moment my Mother became impregnated by a ball of feathers I knew my brother Huitzilopchtli was going to bring nothing but bad to my family. He attacked me, jumping out of my poor Mother's womb and beheaded my poor beautiful head and face. Once my head had flung up into the sky I immediately became the Moon. Until this day i battle against my repulsive brother, and that is why there is repugnant day and alluring night.      

 My people may fear me at times but only because of the way my brother did me wrong. Without me women would have no equality. Huitzilopchtli has done wrong by making men believe they are the only important ones and I am the one who clarifies to them just how exceptional and vital us Women truly are.